Analogue Music | Richard Edwards - "Minefield


Artist: Richard Edwards · Written by Matt Conner

Date Released

30 March, 2018


Profound Discomfort



A song that repeats the phrase "Oh, kaboom" several times shouldn't work.

Then again, anyone familiar with Richard Edwards' beautiful musical track record shouldn't remotely be concerned about rules with regard to what belongs or what doesn't. Ever since the earliest days of Margot & the Nuclear So and So's, Edwards has proven himself with one unforgettable melody after another—including his criminally underrated solo release from 2017, Lemon Cotton Candy Sunset.

Whether using cosmic examples or more straightforward language, Edwards has a penchant for mining matters of the heart at meaningful depths. More melancholy that not, his songs are our songs, as we easily attach meaning of our own to his own deeply personal entries. 

On the lead single to his forthcoming album, Verdugo, due in June, "Minefield" switches roles from recent songs on which Edwards himself was the subject (and typically a victim) into an observer's role. He warns the subject, "One false move, girl, and you're mine." 

The same is true of the listener. Another irresistible melody offered up as a firstfruit to what will likely be another compelling album. We're all caught here, unable (or unwilling) to escape these clutches. Not that we'd want to be anywhere else.