Analogue Music | Smith, Lyle & Moore - "Werewolf"
Smith, Lyle & Moore - "Werewolf"

Smith, Lyle & Moore - "Werewolf"

Artist: Smith, Lyle & Moore · Written by Matt Conner

Date Released

21 August, 2020

I was unprepared for the musical moment.

When I decided to click on a link for the video for "Werewolf," the new single from the new trio known as Smith, Lyle & Moore, it was supposed to serve as background fodder. In the midst of other tasks, I thought I'd surf through a few new (to me) artists to take me through the afternoon. Instead, I had to set everything down.

The distracting point came just over 30 seconds into the song, after a pleasing acoustic intro, and suddenly the line comes, "...and some days I am a motherfucking werewolf." Say what?

By the point it arrives, you're soon drawn in further by the killer harmonies, the acoustic earworm, and the story being told. Landing somewhere between Gold Old War and an accessible Fleet Foxes, at least with this track, we're excited to hear more from this band featuring Andrew Smith, Tyler Lyle, and Jack Moore.

Lyle told us the following about the new single:

“I wrote this song after reflecting on how stories are told. In the Western world, our stories need good guys and bad guys to move the plot along. However, this is not how the real world seems to me to be. If the protagonist was a kindhearted monster—not just a hero with a tragic flaw, but someone who embodied both extremes of good and bad—it would be a confusing story, but that’s the real story. That’s what I wanted to write about.”

Check out more about Smith, Lyle & Moore here.